Business Advisory Services
(330) 800-1863​
No Regrets Guarantee
Q: What if I sign up for this and decide it is not right for me? Do you have a money back guarantee?
A: Yes, I call it my "No Regrets" guarantee. As a business owner, I understand the need for a measurable ROI on all the investments you make to grow your business. The principle I follow for my own business is: “Never spend a dollar unless you are confident you can make (or save) more than a dollar.”
I want you to feel complete confidence when you invest with me. I want you to have the results you want and deserve.
So, my guarantee to you is: when you invest in any one of my coaching programs, follow the steps and do the work, I guarantee you’ll start experiencing the results outlined in our coaching agreement OR I’ll refund to you the difference between the program fee you paid and the financial results you achieved.
I’m taking on this risk because I want you to invest wisely, with confidence, and know that I’m on your team. I take your success seriously, because when you’re successful, I’m successful.
Q: How do I take you up on the No Regrets Guarantee?
A: It’s simple. Sign up for the program of your choice and simply begin with the first step in the program. If at any time, you get stuck, confused, or have a question, write it down. If at any time, you feel overwhelmed or like you may have made a bad decision, write your concern down. Bring it to the next group coaching call or to your personal coaching session if it feels like a more private matter.
You can also email me directly at JW(at)JohnWeisenberger.com and I will respond within 24 business hours to understand exactly where and why you are stuck, then help you move forward with clarity, confidence and a renewed feeling of inspiration that your business and your life are, indeed, within your power to change for the better.
Q: What if it’s still not working for me?
A: I’m here for you and I won’t give up on you if you don’t give up on you!
Q: Have you ever seen anyone fail?
A: Only individuals who give up on their dreams fail. If you’re not confident in your ability to follow through on realizing your dreams… professional coaching might not be for you. There are no magic bullets. You can grow your business to suit the lifestyle you want, and I’ll help you do that, but you must do the work! I’m here to support you and I’ll keep showing up if you keep showing up and do the work to succeed.
“I don’t care who you are; you can’t do it alone. You need smart friends.”
~Steven Pressfield (author of “Do The Work”)